Financial Freedom

 Freedom is the state of being free. Financial freedom is the status where you have freedom, enough cash, and financial knowledge to afford the life you desired

According to the researchers, it has been found that only rich people benefit from financial freedom. Have you ever imagined why? According to the cash flow, people can be poor class, middle class, or rich. 

The difference between an asset and a liability is very important. An asset is an item you own that will bring future economic benefits while liabilities are the payables. The reason is that the rich tend to buy assets while the other people buy liabilities that they think are assets. Financial Struggle is the result of people working all their lives for the betterment of other people. Total self-dependency is very important. Most people depend on their families or the government. They think of retirement plans and health benefits that the government will offer them which means they are dependable. The salary these people get is sufficient only to cover their expenses. 

In fact, our mind doesn’t have any limits. The limit lies in our imagination. The skill of imagination doesn’t die. It lies inactive.
You have to train it and make use of it if you want to make your desires into money. The main reason why the poor and middle-class struggle with finance is due to the lack of financial knowledge. Ninety percent of people tend to buy TV sets which they think of as assets while only a few tend to buy business books. Moreover, researchers have found taking risks is a quality of a rich person. Many people don’t win because the pain of losing money is greater than the joy of becoming rich. And some misunderstand mostly that taking risks with money is just like gambling. But the fact is if you know what you do it cannot be defined as gambling. Gambling is just throwing money into a deal and praying. 

When it comes to our education systems it helps us to build our professional skills but not the financial skills. It helps us to build a character which we could write a better CV. When it comes to life after schooling, we have to deal with money, which has become a major factor for almost everything. In my opinion, we don’t get everything to your hand as it is. We have to learn and train. 

Remember, at this moment you are having the single most powerful asset within you. Have you ever think of it? Take some time and think of it for a while. 

Yes, it is. It is your mind. It can do wonders. With this anyone can wish to be a rich man but why doesn’t everyone succeed. It is because everyone doesn’t have a definite plan and a burning desire. If you want to be the person you desire, you want to concentrate on one definite chief aim. We should work to learn but not for money. You should think of a way in which money works for you. It is said that you should know only a little about a lot but you should be specific about want you want. 2

The mindset of rich people is different from others. So they focus on different areas. They focus on the science of money-making formula, supply and demand, accounting, law, corporations, and many more. Through these, they are capable of building the financial intelligence which builds the path for financial freedom. And businesses that don’t need their presence, stocks, and real estate are some of the assets which the people with a better financial intelligence focus on rather than poor and middle-class people. When it comes to the cash flow of a person with financial freedom they make their income with the assets they process. That’s why they focus on their asset column but not the income statements. A poor person focuses on their income statements while paying their expenses and the middle class would pay off the liabilities and expenses from the salary they get from their jobs. This is what we simply define as the rat race. 

So what would you do if you have million dollars in your pocket??????Let your journey begins with a definite plan towards success. Success is not a destination; success is a journey.... 

                                                                                    Penned by:  Rtr.Buddhima Udumullage 




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