Project “Nurdle Free LK”


Nurdle is an extremely small plastic pellet used as a raw material in the production of plastic goods. Yellow, gold, blue, brown, black, transparent, peach, purple, and shades of grey are the most common.

Every year, millions of nurdles make their way into the water. Thousands of nurdles are washed out to sea as a result of unintentional spills. Nurdles are microplastic resin pellets with a diameter of less than 5 mm. You can catch a net full of nurdles if you go fishing in the sea there. Nurdles are also formed when larger plastic debris is physically weathered. Nurdles, commonly known as "mermaid tears," are little plastic pellets with a diameter of less than five millimeters that contribute significantly to marine trash.

The Pearl Protectors is a volunteer-based organization that uses research, surveys, position papers, policy papers, case studies, press releases, and advocacy alliances to advocate for the protection of Sri Lanka's maritime environment. This organization aims to raise awareness about the immediate threat to Sri Lanka's marine life, sea space, and beaches. The project also advocates for those who share a common interest in conserving Sri Lanka's marine habitat by supporting sustainable, ecologically responsible habits and actions that limit the human effect on the environment.

The pearl protectors have initiated a campaign called "Nurdle Free LK." The objective of this initiative is to gather very tiny plastic pellets along the coast. Fight against plastics in order to protect marine life and the environment.

The Rotaract Club of Colombo MidCity is always ready to be a serving member of the community, and we the midcitians has partnered in Mount Lavinia Beach (Near Shore, Near Shore, Near Ranveli Beach), Mount Lavinia Beach (Near Ranveli Beach Resort) on 18 July 2021, Mount Lavinia Beach (Near Ranveli Beach Resort), Mount Lavinia Beach (Near Ranveli Beach) and 4th Mobilization on 1 August 2021 The necessity to gather these siren tears is quite crucial, and it is much more important to destroy or store collected pellets. The value of collecting these plastic pellets contributes to healthy marine life. It is because of the identification of the pearl protective agents, which were ingested by fish in the sea and died due to non-digestion. Fishes consume them in the water, too, as they appear like a small fish egg. Furthermore, in the coastal zone, the gathering of nurdles is not very good either.

The collection of little nurdles kills the coastal plants as well as the richness of the soil on the beach.

If we are unable to collect these nurdles as well as any plastic kinds as our best, we will be letting our beautiful coastal areas become worse. The very recent reason for the rise in the number of pellets in the sea is the explosion of the X-press pearl ship in the Sri Lankan sea line. This explosion just not released chemicals but also the pellets. Since it is we need to take action on protecting marine lives. So the Project “Nurdle Free LK” of Pearl Protectors has collected little plastic pellets with 200+ volunteers, including the midcitians. Pearl protectors keep conducting this weekly basis. With an intention of removing these nurdles from the Srilankan Shorelines. With 3 designed unique tools to effectively remove the nurdles from our shorelines designed by the pearl protectors, collecting these little pellets was easy. The designed types of equipment are as follows;

1. Hanging Sieve

2. Trommel Sieve

3. Handheld Sieve

Protecting the marine environment, marine lives are much more important. How can we help protect the marine environment? We can Participate in a Cleanup of Trash in the environment that can be hazardous to marine life, and people too!, Help to clean up a local beach, park, or roadway and pick up that litter before it gets into the marine environment. Even trash hundreds of miles from the ocean can eventually float or blow into the ocean. The purpose of protecting the marine environment, marine lives can be stated as follows;

1. To conserve natural heritage.

2. To conserve cultural heritage.

3. Sustainable Production.

The benefits we can gain by protecting the marine environment & marine lives can be stated as follows;

1. Allows ecosystems to recover and reestablish after natural or human impacts.

2. Fostering healthy marine ecosystems can lead to increased seafood production, good water quality, and coastal protection from events like hurricanes.

3. Supports fisheries inside and outside of the MPA as species move in and out of the area.

4. Protects significant habitats.

5. Creates opportunities for education and research.

6. Provides potential for recreation and tourism to grow.

7. Protects areas that have cultural significance so that they can be enjoyed by future generations.

They have been notified with the tests they have done, these nurdles are causing the shoreline at a larger cost of marine life and the environment. And also the maritime sector has a large duty to concern the risks, damages that may be caused unexpectedly to the marine environment when they are transporting large hazardous cargoes.

Penned By: Rtr. Chaan Maduranga 

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