Akura Turns 5!

Akura, the signature Community Service project of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid City was successfully ventured on the 27th of January, 2021 for the fifth consecutive year. 

Well known for supporting students from schools that do not possess adequate infrastructure and families that cannot sometimes afford their educational needs, we decided to take school supplies for students from two schools in Kothmale, Werallapathana Primary School, and Halgolla No. 02 Primary School this year. Both schools consisted of 100 students in total, approximately 50 in each. 

Celebrating the 5th year of Akura, we launched a new Facebook page for the project. As the main goal for this year’s project was not to just raise funds but to reach the general public, all content was prepared in all three languages in order to encourage people from different backgrounds to come together as one.

The first phase of the campaign was to post research-based global and local statistical data related to education.  Following that, informative & influencer marketing was conducted parallelly with the classic ways of marketing in order to promote donations.

After months of planning and hard work, the Mid Citians took school equipment to the two schools in Kothmale, on a misty morning. Adhering to the Covid-19 safety protocols, only 6 members joined the event. 

Initially, we visited the Werallapathana Primary School, where we then conducted the first set of donations. The kind teachers and parents of the school served us a simple, yet delicious breakfast meal as well. Next, the donations were carried out at the Halgolla No. 02 Primary School. This ended a long, yet a very happy day of bringing smiles to the faces of these little children.

But no, we are not done yet! What are we without the support we received from all of you? 

The Rotary community starting from our parent club, Rotary Club of Colombo Mid City, was a great source of strength behind Akura. If you are reading this, Rotary Mid City, we are extremely grateful for you! District Rotaract Representative 3220, Sri Lanka & Maldives, PP Rtn. Kasun Sigera supported us throughout the project. We appreciate his humble support! 

Several other public figures including Maneesha Perera, Nehara Peiris, Chethana Katagoda, Joel Outschoorn & Hirushi Jayasena helped us to carry the message of Akura. People from different areas and different backgrounds came together as one to contribute for Project Akura. Their donations did not just affect the success of project Akura,  but it helped a bunch of kids in need to return back to school!

As we conclude the 5th Akura project, we are extremely grateful for the love and support received. We are really excited to bring Akura 2021!

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