Literacy for Change, 2019

Rotaract Club of Islamabad, RID 3282, Bangladesh initiated Project 'Literacy for Change' along with 23+ countries and 94+ clubs, in the occasion of the International Literacy Day, 2019. As proud members of the Rotaract Movement, we believe in the necessity of quality education regardless of gender. Hence, we worked closely along with the Rotaract Club of Islamabad representing Sri Lanka from the South Asian region, to make this International Service project a success.

The main focus was driven to spending time with children at an orphanage who could not afford basic education in any language due to given reasons. On the 29th of November, 2019 we spent the day at the St Lawris Children's' Home, Borella, narrating and reading out stories with them. We also planned a few fun activities where our club members sang and danced along with the little girls of the St Lawris Children's Home. This highlighted how literacy can change the perspective they have towards life and how it can help them reach their future career goals. 

The members of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid City and a few other volunteers participated in this project to make it a success. Special thanks goes out to them and the management of the St Lawris Children's home for giving us time and space to conduct this project at their premises.

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