Project Fundamentals

Project Fundamentals was held on the 13th of October, 2019 at the Aspire College of Higher Education. It is the first Professional Development project for the year 2019-2020 of the Rotaract club of Colombo Mid City. Project Fundamentals was an idea of Rtr Mohamed Mubarak, who was the editor of the club for the year 2019-2020. 

This project was all about expanding people’s skills and creating awareness to get an advanced knowledge in Microsoft Office utilities such as MS Word, MS Excel and PowerPoint. Most of us fear the usage since we are not familiar with the features of each utility. Hence, our objective was to make such utilities user friendly. Our main target audience were Interactors as they study these at school as a subject and this session would make their studying process much easier.


Rtr. Mubarak conducted the session very clearly and precisely. The participants actively engaged in it and a few sessions were organized as competitions, where Rtr Mubarak gifted the winning groups.The whole session was also video recorded and sentto the participants so that they can practice more by themselves. 



At the end of the program, a feedback form was given to the participants and we received a satisfaction rate of 95% from them. Overall, this project was a success. However, since we were not able to cover MS Powerpoint and Publisher, we hope to conduct another session for that as well.

So await, Fundamentals: Phase 02!

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