Project - Billion Dollar Smile

Billion Dollar Smile

Billion Dollar Smiles is an international project initiated by Rotaract SAOE- India in partnership with Rotaract Aley Lebanon, Targeting orphans all around the world.
Our mission is to make them smile, listen and support their dreams.
On the 14th of October 2018, we, Rotaract Club Colombo Mid City, took a part in the humanitarian event called a “Billion Dollar Smile” – a day of fun and social activities on behalf of uninhabited children, organized by more than a 100 Rotaract clubs around the world.
As part of this global Rotaract project, we conducted on the 14th of October, 2018 at "Meth Sevana" child orphanage, Dehiwala. And It was a day full of pure love, laughter, entertainment and happiness with the little kids! 
Throughout October 2018, Rotaract clubs around the world had the opportunity to participate in the international Rotaract project under the slogan "Billion Dollar Smile". The project consisted in organizing a surprise in this particular month, going out together, meeting, partying, fun, etc. for children from orphanages. In short, make children smile. Children who, like no other, deserve joy and our attention or commitment.
Of course, our club decided to take this opportunity to organize something for the mentally and physically handicapped home where children who cannot do any work and help themselves in their daily routine and children who do not have parents and who have been abundant from their own kin and kin.

This particular children's home is not a random choice. We have been cooperating with this orphanage in Warsaw for a year. This is a special resort because some special children live there. We try to visit them as often as we can, we organize various activities, for example, singing, dancing together, playing games and having fun. 
These children are extremely musically talented. They play various musical instruments and we have often witnessed their talent and interest in music. 

And their smile and joy are the biggest reward for us. Worth a lot more than even a trillion dollars.

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