Kind Heart Project - Project Description


The covid-19 pandemic, which has already spread and drowned the world in the worst danger for more than two years since December 2019 is continuing to move by spreading the virus to the public.

It has already claimed thousands of lives all over the world, and hundreds of lives are still being attacked by this cruel virus “COVID -19” in the world. The covid -19 virus, which has not yet been properly treated, is spreading its many different forms of viruses. This pandemic situation has become so severe that the economies of many countries around the world are already collapsing because of the adverse effects caused due to this.

Moreover, not only the patients who have been infected with the covid-19 virus & ones who suffer from this condition but also thousands of Low–Income earners around the world have been affected by the covid-19 virus and are hardly facing the difficulties in ensuring a bare minimum living standard that a human must get fulfilled. During the corona pandemic period, curfews have been imposed from time to time, to maintain the social distancing and prevent the spreading of the covid-19 virus. Even though this action of the government was capable of controlling the spread of the covid-19 virus, it has been affecting the general public at large which leads to the result of people without a permanent job to survive on the daily circumstance which they expected to do to live the life they value.

As a result of this pandemic situation, the world's poverty level has reached its highest level during this year than in previous years. World poverty has risen to 8.6% of the world's population during this year from 8.2% of the world's population in 2019 which was before the corona epidemic.


In other words, it has been significantly increased by 0.4% Also, due to the lack of a proper income and the loss of their daily jobs, low-income earning people had to face a situation where they cannot even satisfy their hunger (minimum level of living standard ) and it leads to people dying because of malnutrition conditions around the world in recent times.

The greatest and noblest hope in the hearts of every mother and every father is to give their child the highest possible education for a bright future. However, the situation that is currently ongoing made all their hopes and dreams of the future fade away since the schools around the world have been temporarily shut down due to the effects of this virus, and the education system is now being conducted based on an online/ virtual platform. Although the teaching and learning process is conducted online, for most of the students the online education has become a dream that they hope to become true since they are from low-income earning families. As they are unable to get even the minimum facilities required to pursue online education apart from studying online most of them are currently left having an education and become helpless and hopeless.

The project Kind Heart of Rotaract Club of Colombo MidCity is proposed to help the people who are currently facing difficulties in Sri Lanka.

This will be enabled to bring happiness to such People from the intolerable sadness that they are facing.

As always the Rotaract Club of Colombo MidCity is helping the general public, serving society when it is necessary and needy.

We as midcitains are proudly presenting this project Kind Heart to society with happiness..

Penned by, Rtr. Chaan Madhuranga

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