Wayamba Visit

The first district visit for the year 2020-21, Wayamba Visit happened on the 5th of September, 2020 with the participation of over 150 Rotaractors. Wayamba Visit is an annual event in the District Calendar that is done with the purpose of visiting the installation ceremonies of Rotaract Clubs in the Wayamba District, in order to bring all Rotaractors together as one.

The Rotaractors gathered at Colombo Racecourse by 5 in the morning and started their journey to visit their fellow Rotaractors. Needless to say, these bus rides are extremely fun! With everyone just dancing like there's no tomorrow and singing their lungs out, and of course a few lazy beans sleeping with their mouths wide open- it definitely is a fun journey to take!

We first reached the auditorium of the University of Wayamba, where the second installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of the University of Wayamba took place. While the outgoing past president Rtr IPP Pabasara Herath signed off,  Rtr Kumuthu Wijesuriya took over as the new President of their club for the year 2020-21. She introduced her Board of Directors for the year 2020-21 afterwards. The club members entertained us with a beautiful mash-up composed by them, and then we left for the next two installations.

And oh, before that, as the Presidents and Secretaries got occupied with the District Council Meeting for the month of September, the rest of the Rotaractors did a bit of roaming around the city of Kurunegala- all thanks to the coolest district steering committee who organized it for us! 

And then the next moment all of us were at the Hotel Blue sky, prepping ourselves for the next two installations! These two installations happened together at the same venue as a join installation. Post lunch, just a bit before the installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Kurunegala happened, we could see clusters of Rotaractors dancing and singing out loud. Oh god, these are the only clusters we wanna hear about!

Rtr Pabasara Bandara and Rtr Amanda Embogama took over as the Presidents of the Rotaract Club of Kurunegala and Rotaract Club of Athugalpura respectively. They appointed their Board of Directors as well. 

Then came little Amelia Wijesuriya- the singing sensation. She set us on fire! Everyone then danced till they could not feels their legs anymore, asked for more, and then when they said its time to leave- we left but to dance more on our way back to Colombo!

Our special thanks goes out to our DRR Rtr PP Kasun Sigera and his District Steering committee for organizing this fun visit for us. Not to forget, we thank all three Rotaract clubs who warmly welcomed us and treated us like family- One Big Family!

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