Project - Thilina

Project Thilina

'Thilina' is a novel initiative taken up by the members of cluster 4. Through this, we joined hands to make a happier and a better environment for the children with special needs receiving treatments at the Digana rehabilitation hospital as well as the society woven around it. The children staying at this particular Hospital suffer from paralysis of a body part due to an accident that damaged their spinal code or Cerebral palsy- a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in very early childhood. 

Owing to their condition, most of the children and other patients receive treatments and medical attention. That requires them to stay at the hospital, till there is any improvement in the conditions, a matter of weeks or a few months. Happiness plays a significant role in good health and well being of such patients and others related to them. Hence, a sincere effort was taken to reinstall the happiness of the young patients of Digana Rehabilitation Hospital, to whatever extent possible, through the renovation of their play area. Under the first phase, a visit was paid to the hospital and a shramadana campaign was carried out. A discussion was conducted with the hospital staff during which the project plan for the upcoming weeks was shared. 

The quality of the surrounding environment also plays a pivotal role in good health and well being living. In a world where our own people pose a threat to the greenery that gives us life, it is important to try to replenish the damage caused every chance we get. This paved the way for the second phase of the project 'Thilina'. 17 trees were planted (one tree to represent one SDG) at the hospital premises itself; the first step, to improve the quality of life on land. The play area was renovated and an area was cleared for replacement of better equipment. After finishing the main task of the day, a happy, relaxing hour was spent on a campaign to raise awareness on the SD goals. Photographs were taken of the members holding a board which denoted a symbol for each SD goal, to be put up and shared on social media platforms to reach out to the society. These boards were fixed on to boards in order to display at the hospital to make the general public visiting the hospital and familiarize them with the concept. 

The third of March marked the official conclusion of the project with the opening of the renovated play area and donation of a customized Merry Go Round. to meet the needs of the children receiving treatments. 

Looking back at Thilina, having won the award for the most interactive cluster, we are filled with humble pride and happiness. We were able to complete what we intended in an impactful way. Our heartfelt gratitude is extended to the Rotaract District 3220, for giving us a chance to serve the community together with fellow Rotaractors through cluster projects.

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